Every two months we bring a large number of teenagers together to build the skills, projects, and lifelong friendships they'll need to take on the world – straight out of high school.
We work intensively every Saturday for 8 weeks to build something great and share the stories with a curated group of colleges, bootcamps, scholarships, and sponsors. Come join us.
Chapter 2, Season 1 starts January 14, 2023.
To put my dreams and hopes into effect!
Connect with other like-minded people.
To plan my future after high school.
To feed my curiosity.
Connect with other like-minded people.
To have a positive impact on society.
To know more about what this world has to offer.
To grow and learn from the best!
I really want to challenge myself and my worldview.
I’m looking to start my own business at the age of 16.
Connect with other like-minded people.
To explore what I’m really looking for in a career path.
I want to expand my career choices to better my future.
I want to stand out and build skills.
This will be amazing.
This program looks so fun and amazing!
I wanna experience different career paths.
To get a better understanding of my future.
To get a better understanding of my future.
To make a difference in the world.
To make a mark on the world.