Can I qualify for financial aid?
Thanks to generous partnerships from businesses, sponsors, and the way we've set up our pricing, we offer both merit- and needs-based financial aid options.
If Factor is right for you, we'd love to have you. Ask your Factor Guide about options when you book your call.
How does Auto Billing work?
Once you've decided Factor is right for you, we'll set up an automatic payment at the start of each month. If you're on the monthly plan, you'll be able to pause or cancel your membership at any time.
If you need to adjust your plan for any reason during the program, get in touch with your Factor Guide and we'll talk through options.
What all does Factor membership include?
Factor's ultimate goal is to help teens become professionals, and design the life they want after high school – a process that can start with a group during high level discovery, and grows into 1:1 coaching as your goals get more specific to your plan. Both are included as you progress through the programs.
We recommend starting with Factor Discover, our career discovery and life design program. Once complete, members unlock more 1:1 mentorship and exclusive community options.
What local options are there for me?
Once we have a big enough group of members in a geographic area, we help them start running local meetups and programs. Ask your Factor Guide about local chapters meeting near you, or how to start one yourself.